The post of mayor general of Chisinau municipality represents one of the main positions in the state. Therefore, the candidates fight hard for the mayoralty. Some of them are ready to give up their current, rather high-ranking posts and take over the City Hall.
Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, [Serafim Urecheanu], mayor of Chisinau municipality in 1994-2005, said the post of mayor of Chisinau is one of the most responsible in the state and “if you come to the City Hall, you must work hard”. Serafim Urecheanu said that not all of those who compete for this post realize the real sate of affairs in the capital and the real possibilities of solving the problems faced by the city.
The former mayor considers the central administration and the local public authorities should cooperate closely. “The central bodies during the last 20 years often neglected Chisinau, forgetting that it is the capital of Moldova,” said Urecheanu.
Asked if the candidates for the mayoralty pursue certain goals, Serafim Urecheanu said it is not right to pursue advantages, including political, because the post of mayor is a key position in the state and the contenders should not be involved in politics.
[Vasile Ursu], former acting mayor of Chisinau municipality in 2005-2007, said the persons running for mayor may have the ability to do more for the capital city than the current administration. “Some believe that money is laundered. This is not right as everything is under control. None of the candidates worked in the local public administration. How can I believe that they will achieve results?” asked Vasile Ursu.
He said that there are party interests as a party that has power can win seats on the Chisinau Council as as result of elections. “Chisinau is a good start for every party,” said the ex-acting mayor. He added that the local public authorities should cooperate with the central authorities for the people's benefit, no matter who rules the country.
[Mihai Severovan], who was chairman of the Chisinau executive committee (mayor general) in 1989, said that many persons want to become mayor, but not all of them realize the responsibility born by the mayor. “The candidates must understand that the post of mayor is a very responsible one and it is not enough to aspire to the mayoralty. They should know what they have to do. The people take risks when they vote for unprepared persons,” said Severovan.
As to the persons who criticize the situation in the municipality, Severovan said he is sorry for these people because they do not know the problems encountered in the capital city. “In fact, problems will exist. The roads cannot be repaired during a day,” said Mihai Severovan.
Political analyst [Roman Mihaies] stated for Info-Prim Neo that the candidates contend for the mayoralty because they want to impose their programs.
“The position of mayor of Chisinau is one of the senior posts in the state because about 2/3 of Moldova's population and economic and financial potential are concentrated in the capital city,” said the analyst.
According to Roman Mihaies, the mayor is the fourth figure in the state after the President, Prime Minister and Speaker and can become President or Premier. This makes many persons aspire to this post.
[Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo]