Post of chairman of the Chamber of Trade and Industry filled

The deputy chairman of the Chamber of Trade and Industry Sergiu Harea was promoted to the post of chairman of the institution. The decision was taken in an extraordinary meeting of the Chamber’s Congress, IPN reports.

Sergiu Harea has higher education in economy, finance and accounting. He earlier worked for a number of public institutions. In 1999, he was hired at the Chamber of Trade and Industry as a consultant and was afterward promoted up to deputy chairman.

The new chairman of the Chamber said that he will first make effort to strengthen the Chamber’s capacities. “It is important for the Chamber of Trade and Industry to have a proactive position in the relations with the central public authorities, the local public administration and the foreign partners, supporting the national entrepreneurs and intensifying further the public-private partnership. I think that when the business entities have new requirements and needs, the Chamber should diversify the business support services,” stated Sergiu Harea.

So far the post of chairman of the Chamber of Trade and Industry was held on an interim basis by deputy chairman Tudor Olaru after Valeriu Lazar vacated this seat at the end of this March.

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