80% of water consumers, questioned within a survey made by the Association Ecosfera and Chisinau Territorial Organization of Ecologist Movement of Moldova, are aware of the fact that water tariffs should increase.
Survey data show that even the current level of tariffs is accepted by the majority of consumers, many of them think that they do not correspond to real costs. The majority of respondents, except those from Chisinau, were unsatisfied with the quality of provided services, and in case of tariff increase, they opt for implementing certain preferential tariffs for certain unfavorable social categories. In order to improve the activity of enterprises of „Apa-Canal” of the country, the respondents consider that a way out would be the privatization of enterprises or replacement of current management.
The survey, on water tariffs as source of reforming the activity of this branch, was made within the period February-March 2006 in 16 towns of Moldova, including municipality Chisinau. 645 persons were questioned within the survey.
The chairman of Chisinau Territorial Organization of Ecologist Movement, Vladimir Garaba, noted on Tuesday, 11 April, within the round table, water tariff increase could be the source for improving the situation of the branch, as in the whole world water and sewerage services are profitable of the account of tariffs. “Getting interested more in issues related to environment protection, we think about the sustainability of enterprises’ activity, if they do not have financing sources, it will result their degradation, fact that happens in reality,” he mentioned.
Vladimir Garaba considers that politicians tergiversate purposely the problem of increasing the tariffs scared of elections, which repeats regularly. He pays the attention of the latter ones that now it is the moment for tariffs, next elections being rather faraway and the situation of the branch cannot be postponed.
The experts say that water tariffs in municipality Chisinau have political support and not economic, the situation could lead to irrecoverable losses.