The population becomes more aware of the danger of corruption and the number of appeals for help to specialists has increased in the past three months, says the Association for Legal Clinics of Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The jurists say that a problem is the belated appeal of the persons affected by corruption. “The population seeks help with delay because they don’t know how to react in legal cases or because they don’t trust the law enforcement bodies. Often, when the persons seek legal advice, their cases are already out-of-date and the only thing the jurists can do is to inform them about the methods of solving similar cases,” the Association says in a communiqué.
The anticorruption assistance and legal consultancy centers launched an awareness-raising campaign to inform the population about the negative effects of corruption. The jurists go to villages to consult the interested persons about corruption.
The Alliance is implementing a project under which it opened local assistance and legal consultancy centers in Balti, Cahul, Comrat, Chisinau and Tiraspol.
The project will continue until February 2009 and is aimed at achieving the objectives of the Strengthening Civil Society Monitoring Capacity in Moldova Program implemented as part of the Threshold Country Program of the Millennium Challenge Corporation. It is managed by the United States Agency for International Development and carried out by the Academy for Educational Development, a U.S. development organization.