Poll: Work of mayor Ion Ceban is appreciated as the best

The work of the mayor general of Chisinau Ion Ceban is appreciated by the citizens as the best. In a sociological survey conducted by the Company [imas], when asked to assess Ion Ceban’s work, 52.9% of the respondents gave grades of 7 to 10 to him. To the same question concerning President Maia Sandu, 43.3% of the respondents gave grades of 7 to 10 to President Sandu. The work of the president of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon was highly appreciated by 38.6% of those polled. Vladimir Voronin, Ion Chicu and Ilan Șor come next. The rankings are closed by Pavel Filip, Dinu Plîngău and Vlad Bilețchi.

In a news conference at IPN, [imas] director general Doru Petruți said that about 40% of the respondents approve of the work done by the Party of Action and Solidary, 35% - by the Bloc of Communists and Socialists (BECS), 32% – by Șor Party. The rating of PAS decreased by 9 percentage points on June, while that of BECS by only 1 percentage point. If snap parliamentary elections were held next Sunday, about 31% of those surveyed would vote for PAS, while 29.3% would vote for BECS. About 8% would not vote, while 12.7% don’t know or didn’t want to answer the question.

The respondents were also asked to assess the work done by the current government during the first three months of the mandate. 34% of the respondents gave grades of 1 to 5, 24% - of 5 and 6, while 23% – of 7 and 8. 10% gave grades of 9 and 10.

Most of the respondents consider the greatest accomplishment of the Gavrilița Government include the increase in salaries and pensions, the finding of alternative sources of gas or the fight against corruption. The main dissatisfaction related to the Gavrilița Government is the rise in prices, especially of the natural gas and fuels. 76% of the respondents consider Moldova should buy gas cheaper from the Russian Federation by accepting other conditions, while 14% said Moldova should buy gas at higher prices from European states.

The concerns about the pandemic remain big and very big for over 50% of those polled. Most of the respondents consider the authorities cannot cope with the situation. 77% agree to wear masks in closed public areas and on units of transport. The same percentage disagrees with the mandatory vaccination of children aged 12 and up.

Among the greatest accomplishments of President Maia Sandu, the respondents mentioned the improvement of the relations with the EU, the fight against corruption, the rise in pensions and salaries, order in justice. 81% of those polled said their life has improved to a small extent after Maia Sandu took up her duties. However, 51% consider the President will achieve more results in the immediate period.

In another development, 39% of those polled said the appointments to executive posts in different institutions are based on ties of kindred or nepotism, 24% - based on political criteria, 22% - on the professionalism of candidates. Only 13% believe the law is respected when these appointment are made.

28% of those surveyed consider things in the country follow a correct direction, while 66% consider the direction is wrong. 47% are satisfied and very satisfied with their living conditions, while 51% are not at all satisfied or not very satisfied. According to Doru Petruți, the comparisons with the previous years are regrettably not good. 42% of the respondents said that they live worse or much worse than a year before, while 21% said their life improved. Also, 33% are hopeful that things will improve in a year, while the other part said their expectations are rather negative.

The poll is carried out on Moldova’s territory and does not include the opinions and options of the citizens from the diaspora. Therefore, those who want to compare the results of the sociopolitical surveys conducted in Moldova should compared them with the results of the elections held in Moldova, not with the results that include the diaspora, stated [imas] director general Doru Petruți.

The poll was based on face-to-face interviews and was conducted during October 23 – November 15. It covered a sample of 893 respondents from 78 settlements. The margin of sampling error is ±3.3%. The poll was commissioned by the consultancy company Public Media.

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