Politologist Eduard Volkov considers the government and the Communist Opposition must reach a compromise over the modification of the Constitution. According to him, the Communists should accept the amendments concerning the election of the head of state, while the Caretaker President Mihai Ghimpu should disband the commission for studying the consequences of the totalitarian Communist regime in Moldova.
“The crisis in Moldova is not constitutional, but political,” Volkov said in a news conference on February 3, quoted by Info-Prim Neo.
According to Eduard Volkov, a compromise can be reached if all the parliamentary groups approve a bill to modify the procedure for electing the head of state. He said the presidential elections could consist of four rounds. During the first round, the head of state is elected by 61 votes, during the second by 57 votes, while during the third and fourth by 55 and, respectively, 52 votes.
“After the amendments are introduced to the Constitution, the Parliament must be modified and there must be announced early elections,” Volkov said.
Volkov also said that the April events constituted a putsch. He considers former President Vladimir Voronin bears 25% of the responsibility for the April public disorder, the then Opposition – another 25%, while the protesters organized by persons from outside – 50% of the responsibility.