The political parties will be able to receive annually financing from the state budget, IPN reports, quoting a bill with amendments to a number of legal acts approved by the Government.
“The cap will be set annually, but the financing will not exceed 0.2% of the budget revenues. The financing will be allocated depending on the results achieved by the parties in the parliamentary elections or the local ones,” said Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim.
The bill defines the mechanism of reporting the sources of income and the expenses of the parties. They will be obliged to annually present reports on the financial management of their activities. The report form will be approved by the Central Election Commission, which will afterward analyze the reports and publish them on its official website.
The falsification of these reports will be punished with a fine of 4,000 to 10,000 lei or up to three years in jail. If the representatives of parties misuse the allocations from the state budget, they will be fined up to 100,000 lei or jailed for one to five years.
Following the recommendations of the international organizations, mainly of the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO), the bill limits the size of individual donations made to parties to 20 official monthly average salaries per private individual and to 40 average salaries per legal entity. Limits are also set for the electoral periods. There are specified the categories of donations that can be made in the form of property, goods and free services and the donation procedure.
After it is adopted by Parliament, the law will take effect six months after its publication in the Official Gazette. The financing of parties from the budget will start on July 1, 2017 for legislative elections and from January 1, 2015 for local elections.