Policeman from Cahul arrested on influence peddling charges

An investigation officer of the Cahul Police Inspectorate was arrested on suspicion of traffic of influence. According to the denouncer, the policeman, in cooperation with an unknown person, asked and received €5,000 from an investigated woman for influencing persons from the Cahul Court and Cahul District Prosecutor’s Office to set her free from arrest and pass a favorable judgment in her case, IPN reports.

According to the National Anticorruption Center, the man was caught red-handed in the backyard of the Cahul Appeals Court. He had the gun on him and tried to put up resistance. The €5,000 transmitted to him under the control of anticorruption officers was found on him. The man was placed under arrest for 72 hours.

The police officer faces up to six years in jail or a fine of up to 200,000 lei.

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