Police reform continues to be inappropriately implemented, Promo-LEX

The implementation level of the action plan for putting into practice the Police development strategy for 2016-2020 at the end of the first half of 2019 had the same indicators as in the previous monitoring period, the end of 2018. Fifteen actions that weren’t carried out in the previous period and were analyzed in the current report remained unimplemented.

In a news conference at IPN, Pavel Postica, programs director at Promo-Lex Association, said that this is the second civic monitoring report on the police reform in Moldova. The document is a half-yearly report that covers the period between January 1 and June 30, 2019.

“The authorities, especially the General Police Inspectorate and the Ministry of the Interior, should lay greater emphasis on particular overdue measures so as to carry these out given that most of them refer to the creation of an appropriate regulatory framework. In the future, it will be hard to implement other actions related strictly to this regulatory framework that is, regrettably, not yet perfect,” stated Pavel Postica.

According to him, the existence of overdue measures does not yet mean that nothing was done in the first half of the year. The achieved results will be presented in the next report that will be an annual one. The representatives of the police expressed their readiness to give interviews to the monitors of Promo-LEX. Thy provided prompt answers to the formulated questions.

Promo-LEX analyst Mihaela Duca said the interviews conducted in the monitoring period point to the necessity of improving the application concerning the electronic register of arms. At least 23 of 37 interviewed persons (62%) said the improvement of the application is necessary as it does not meet the requirements and is outdated. Another aspect refers to the necessity of clearly defining the powers of sector officers. 18 of 42 persons interviewed at police inspectorates (44%) and five of 14 surveyed officials from police inspectorates (36%) said the powers of sector officers are not clearly defined.

The monitoring also covered the reorganization of the National Patrol Inspectorate and the new organogram of the institution. Eight of 42 interviewed persons from the management of police inspectorates (19%) said they don’t know about the initiative to reorganize this inspectorate.

The report was produced in the framework of the project “Civic monitoring of the Police reform in Moldova” that is financed by the European Union and is co-financed and implemented by Promo-LEX Association.

  • Pavel Postica despre restante
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