Police pull out of Chisinau City Hall

The General Police Department withdrew today its sentries posted inside the Chisinau City Hall building, Info-Prim Neo reports. When the City Hall's PR department disseminated the news to the media, the municipal authorities haven't been officially informed about the pullout. Contacted by phone by the head of the City Hall's administrative division, Nicolae Manastarli, the commander of the Patrol and Sentinel Regiment “Scut”, Constantin Avornic, said the order was given by Chisinau Chief Commissar Eugen Axentiev. The sheriff was summoned to appear today before the City Council for explanations. The City Hall expresses deep concern about the unilateral decision of the law enforcement bodies, especially since the municipal authorities have been honoring their obligations towards the police, ensuring their full financing, and recently allocating extra money for new uniforms, it was said in a press release. Authorities from the City Hall say the activity of the institution hasn't been affected. In the course of the day the administrative division is to identify solutions to further guarantee the safety of the building and its workers.

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