Police arrest two brothers suspected of December bank robbery

The Chisinau police have arrested two brothers, aged 30 and 39, on suspicion of robbing an Investprivat branch in Chisinau of 210,000 lei last December, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Interior Ministry's website, the two brothers are from a village in Sangerei district and have criminal records. After a search at the older brother's address there were found 19,000 euros hidden in a box, 5,000 lei and a brand new computer. At the second address, the police discovered a men's bag with 1,250 dollars, 1,100 Russian rubles and 500 lei. The suspects confessed that they used a master key to enter the bank when the staff and the guards were on a lunch break, and got the job done in less than 20 minutes. The police believe the brothers were involved in two other bank robberies in Cainari and Comrat. If found guilty by court, the men will spend up to 25 years in prison.

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