Poland has always been a reliable partner, statement

The Republic of Poland has always been a reliable partner at bilateral level and within the institutions of the European Union, being one of the states that initiated the Eastern Partnership. Moreover, the Polish financial support within the development assistance program represents real assistance in continuing the internal reforms aimed at modernizing the country, MP Chiril Moțpan, co-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Poland, stated after the sixth session of the Assembly, IPN reports.

“We approve of the support provided by Poland to the Republic of Moldova on its path of European integration and its contribution to the implementation of development policies and reforms in key sectors for Moldova, including the functioning of the local public authorities, support for the small and medium-sized enterprises, harmonization of the legal framework with the European one, etc.,” the MP told a news conference.

According to him, a common statement was adopted in the sixth session. Among the subjects discussed by the sides was the role and place of the Republic of Moldova in Europe, primarily the assistance provided by Poland in time. “We have excellent bilateral cooperation. The Republic of Moldova was one of the key states that always supported us in the cooperation with the bodies of the European Union,” stated Chiril Moțpan. According to him, Poland provided essential support in important areas, such as the democratization of society, modernization of states, etc. Poland also provided significant assistance in fighting the pandemic crisis.

The session also centered on several development areas for which Poland could further provide assistance to the Republic of Moldova, such as the development of the local public authorities, assimilation of new digital technologies, supporting of enterprises, which is essential in overcoming the economic, social, political crisis.

“Poland offers consultancy and concrete assistance to the Republic of Moldova in such areas as the Association Agreement with the EU, being a stable partner. We also assumed this quality. We hope that next year we will prove that the Republic of Moldova is a state that can be trusted and that fulfills the assumed commitments,” noted Chiril Moțpan.

The Moldova – Poland Parliamentary Assembly, which was founded in Chisinau in July 2011, is a consultative, interparliamentary body that helps reach common viewpoints on projects that represent objects of bilateral interest. The Assembly has plenary sessions once a year, alternatively in Poland and in Moldova. The last session was held in Chisinau during July 23-24, 2018.

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