It is planned to build 33 facilities in the resort zone “Valea Morilor”, including an aqua-park, a hotel, multilevel parking facilities, a sports zone, a complex for public nourishment etc.
These plans are included in the Concept on the construction of the amusement zone “Valea Morilor”, presented by the deputy director of the Agency for the Construction and Development of the Territory, Anatol Turcanu, at a Government meeting.
PM Vasile Tarlev requested to speed up the works related to the cleaning of the lake, as well as starting the designing of the facilities included in the project immediately after the reconstruction concept is approved. The request was made despite the recent decision of the Chisinau Municipal Council to stop the evacuation of the mud from the lake, until the local authorities designate an authorised contractor via a tender.
The CMC decided at the beginning of May that “Autocontrans” company, which evacuated the water and is cleaning at present the lake from mud, is performing the works illegally, because the decision on the authorisation of the company was not approved and the local authorities did not sign a contract with it.
The councillors invoked the responsibility of those who started the cleaning of the lake, the high expenses and the possibility of an ecologic catastrophe due to the lack of advanced technology.
The CMC allotted MDL 2 mln and will find one more million to fully finance the designing works performed by the Design Institute “Acvaproiect”. The issue on reconstructing and refitting Valea Morilor Lake will be included in the agenda of the next sitting of the CMC. The Council will discuss all the actions to be undertaken by the City Hall in this zone.