PLDM’s Tudor Deliu registered in presidential race

The Liberal Democratic Party’s representative Tudor Deliu has been registered by the Central Electoral Commission on Saturday as a presidential candidate.

CEC member Veaceslav Agrigoroae said that the submitted subscription lists contained over 21,300 signatures from 30 second-level administrative units. Following the authenticity verification, some 3,800 signatures were invalidated. 17,500 signatures were considered valid and met legal requirements, overpassing the threshold established by electoral provisions.

All eight CEC members present at the meeting voted in favor of registering Tudor Deliu as a presidential candidate.

So far, the "Our Party" Political Party leader, Renato Usatîi, and the "Dignity and Truth Platform" Party leader, Andrei Năstase, have been registered in the presidential race. At the same time, the registration of "Pro Moldova" Political Party leader, Andrian Candu, as a presidential candidate was rejected. The CEC argued that out of the administrative-territorial units where signatures were collected, only 12 second-level units meet the validity conditions of minimum required number of 600 signatures, while the remaining 17 units did not meet legal requirements. Andrian Candu said that he will challenge the decision in court.

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