PLDM will prepare a bill for Tax Code reform

A work group of MPs of the Liberal Democratic Party and representatives of Local Public Authorities will prepare a bill for the amendment of the Tax Code articles regarding local taxes. The decision comes after many mayors complained that the latest amendments to the Tax Code setting a local tax cap violated the principle of local autonomy and could affect local budgets, IPN reports.

According to a PLDM press release, after public consultations with mayors from many localities, the officials came with arguments in favor of canceling the amendments so that the local budgets had the capacity to sustain local development and the growth of the tax base.

PLDM leader Vlad Filat said that in the upcoming period a bill would be proposed so as to solve the problem that arose as a result of the Tax Code amendments. According to the politician, there should be no local tax cap, but there should be clear rules of establishing local taxes for each field.

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