PLDM-PDM alliance is for nationalizing Banca de Economii

Representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) and the Democratic Party (PDM) after the June 10 meeting of the alliance’s council announced that they are for keeping and nationalizing Banca de Economii. The meeting was also attended by Prime Minster Chiril Gaburici, IPN reports.

“As to Banca de Economii, our position is shared – it should be nationalized. Measures will be taken for the bank to work at full capacity,” the leader of the PLDM Vlad Filat said after the meeting. The politician noted that a legislative initiative to ensure the nationalization process will be soon submitted to Parliament.

The head of the PDM Marian Lupu stated that keeping Banca de Economii is the most suitable formula, while the most important argument is that there will be motivation to continue the investigations into the stealing of the US$1 billion if the bank works further. There are thousands of employees who will have a job and there are also the depositors.

Marian Lupu added that if the bank is nationalized, its management will be improved in accordance with the European standards and maximum transparency will be ensured through a supervisory board.

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