The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) Vlad Filat is optimistic about Moldova’s entry into the EU, eradication of corruption and the party’s chances in the November 30 parliamentary elections. He spoke about this in the program “Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, IPN reports.
According to Vlad Filat, in 2017 Moldova can obtain the status of candidate for accession, while in 2020 it will be ready to join the European Union.
He admitted that the state institutions are affected by corruption and accused the law enforcement bodies of inefficiently fighting this phenomenon. “I must say that the law enforcement institutions of the state are not fully functional. Things must be treated systemically. The period of preparations is over and we now must take concert steps. The law must be equal for everyone, regardless of the political orientation and social position. Harsher measures will be taken as corruption must be rooted out,” said the Liberal-Democratic leader.
He also said that it is important for the leaders of the ruling parries to reach a consensus on the government principles after the elections, which must be transparent so that the people could control governance.
Though he is sure that the party he heads will enter Parliament after the November 30 elections, Vlad Filat does not want to hold key state posts. He reminded about his dismissal from the post of Prime Minister. “We didn’t yield up then. We decided to avoid early elections as they would have been a tragedy for the country. We thus boosted the country’s development pace and achieved important results,” stated the former Premier.
He denied having been involved in the leasing out of the Chisinau airport and the sale of the shareholding in Banca de Economii. “Such cases cannot be solved inside parties. There are competent state institutions such as the National Bank of Moldova and the National Anticorruption Center, which are not controlled by the PLDM,” said Vlad Filat.
He also denied former finance minister Veaceslav Negruta’s assertion that the state budget contains a gap of 8.5 billion lei. “Moldova’s budget is sustainable and all the commitments assumed by the Government are covered financially,” concluded the Liberal-Democratic leader.