PLDM launches plan of action 2020

The Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) on June 13 presented the party’s long-term strategy for developing Moldova, called the Plan 2020. The party’s chairman Vlad Filat in a press briefing said the plan represents a clear view how to develop the country and includes the strategic actions that are to be taken to build a European future, IPN reports.

Vlad Filat said that a complex and long-term plan of action is needed for durably transforming Moldova, with the mobilization and involvement of the whole society. The Plan 2020 is based on four pillars: education of a high quality; creation of new jobs; the European future, and establishment of rule of law in a corruption-free state.

“Time has come for a national dialogue about how the changes wanted by the people should be instituted. If we concentrate all our efforts on these objectives, the possibility for our children to live in a really European state will be much greater than today,” stated Vlad Filat.

First deputy chairman of the PLDM, Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said that this plan was launched in a historical month for Moldova, when the Association Agreement with the EU is to be signed, on June 27.

The Plan 2020 provides that until 2017 Moldova will obtain the status of accession candidate of the EU and will become an EU member by 2020. The financial assistance of the EU and other partners, intended for the business community, for creating well-paid jobs and for the country’s infrastructure, will be trebled by 2020.

By the same year, the whole judiciary system will be reassessed. The laws that protect the judges and other pubic functionaries will be abrogated. The salaries of doctors will be raised two times so as to eradicate corruption from the health sector. Every household in Moldova will be connected to drinking water of a high quality and to modern sewerage systems. Every child will receive by a glass of milk and by a cake at school daily.

The salaries of teachers and professors will be increased two times. New mechanisms will be created for ensuring conditions for the students and teachers to work productively and to persevere. The education will be mandatory up to the age of 18, up from 16 years now, so as to ensure the complete European level of studies. Such a provision is contained in the Education Code, which, according to the PLDM, will be passed by Parliament this year.

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