PLDM chooses its vice presidents

The National Political Council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) on September 30 chose the new vice presidents of the party. Thus, Maria Ciobanu, Vadim Pistrinciuc, Ion Terguță, Viorel Cibotaru, Alexandru Bujoreanu and Nadejda Stâncă are the new vice presidents of the party. Alexandru Fetescu was reelected as secretary general of the PLDM, IPN reports.

In a press release, the PLDM said a new composition of the Central Standing Bureau was chosen in the same meeting. This will consist of 15 members. “The members of the National Council of the PLDM expressed their conviction that the intellectuality should be brought back to the party and the youth organizations should be restored at the local bodies of the PLDM,” noted the party.

The National Council made a statement saying the Republic of Moldova is close to the most serious political catastrophe that can result in the disappearance of the state in its current form. “The usurpation of power and the criminal intention of the PDM and PSRM to keep it by all means will entail dangerous changes for the security of the state and the citizens,” says the statement. The National Council of the PLDM is convinced that the Republic of Moldova’s future depends on the capacity of the opposition parties to unite and oppose the current anti-European and antidemocratic regime.

The National Council of the PLDM calls on the Party “Action and Solidarity” and the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth”, which are members of the European People’s Party (EPP), to show openness to overcome the mutual distrust, taking into account the limited time that remained for identifying a solution that would save the Republic of Moldova. They call upon the administration of the two parties to make effort and identify a correct and mutually advantageous solution so as to create a common electoral bloc of the parties that are members of the EPP.

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