Platform “Dignity and Truth” seeks meeting with IMF mission

The leaders of the people protesting in the Great National Assembly Square of Chisinau said they want to have a meeting with the mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that comes to Chisinau on September 22 to negotiate a new financing agreement with the authorities. Members of the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth” will demand, among others, changing the rules of providing financing to Moldova, IPN reports.

“The Council of the Great National Assembly asks for a meeting with the IMF mission so as to inform the institution about the financial crimes committed in Moldova and to discuss possible ways out. The international organizations, the development partners of our country are the only institutions that can save Moldova from a collapse. They should change the rules of financing depending on the concrete results of reforms,” Platform member Valentin Dolganiuc said in a news conference.

Protesters’ leaders reacted also to the intention of the parties of Renato Usatyi and Igor Dodon to initiate large-scale nonstop protests similar to those mounted in the Great National Assembly Square. “It’s nothing but an attempt to manipulate and to take over the protest spirit, but they have no chance. Do you know why? Because they promote the Customs Union that does not exist. Their actions are nothing but complicity with the authorities,” said the Platform’s leader Andrei Nastase.

The members of the Platform “Dignity and Truth” announced they will continue to picket the state institutions. They will also go to protest before the buildings of the Competition Council and the Broadcasting Coordination Council.

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