Platform “Dignity and Truth” assures September 6 protest will be peaceful

The council for organizing the Great National Assembly of September 6, which forms part of the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth”, assures that the protest planned for this Sunday will be peaceful. A number of combatants and volunteers who took part in the armed Nistru conflict said they will attend the event and will make sure that there are no provocations.

In a news conference at IPN, members of the organizational council said they detach themselves from any other events or activities announced and organized by different political organizations.

Andrei Nastase, one of the members of the platform, said the participants in the September 6 protest will demand, as earlier, that those who robbed the country should be punished and that those who kept silent when illegalities were committed should be dismissed. The statements that the Platform “Dignity and Truth” associates itself with different parties are erroneous. Such information is disseminated with the aim of denigrating the image of a platform that struggles to promote the people’s interests.

Platform member Igor Botan made a call to the teachers, doctors and employees of the law enforcement bodies, urging them to come to the Great National Assembly Square in Chisinau on September 6 and to show their dissatisfaction with the oligarchic government and the captivity of the state. He noted that if this oligarchic government is not removed, the people will not have a future in this country, and, if the people continue to be afraid to take to the streets, they will continue to be robbed.

Another member Inga Grigoriu called on the young people to come to the Great National Assembly Square this Sunday and to protest against the government as namely the youth are those who can secure the change. Moldova needs also the young people who went abroad to study and to develop professional skills.

The members of the platform accused the government of usurpation of power. They said they are sure that the September 6 protest will bring many people together, regardless of their ethnicity and political beliefs, as the government robs equally everyone. They expect that at least 100,000 people will take part in this Sunday’s protest.

The Platform “Dignity and Truth” is supported in its activities by the Union of Students and Youth of Moldova, the Union of Pensioners of Moldova, the Farmers Federation and other organizations.

  • andrei nastase despre manifestatia de duminica.mp3
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