Plastic funeral wreaths could be banned

Plastic funeral wreaths will most likely be banned. The Ministry of Environment stages discussions with representatives of the church, civil society and mayors in this regard. The church is committed to convincing parishioners to opt for ecological alternatives, and the authorities and specialists draw attention to the negative impact of plastic on the environment, IPN reports.

Minister Sergiu Lazarencu explained that the hard-to-degrade plastic and metals from which funeral wreaths are made are a significant source of pollution. Often, they are abandoned on the outskirts of cemeteries, where they are difficult to collect and transport. In the absence of effective management solutions, the wreaths are either burned uncontrollably, releasing toxic substances into the air, or they are left to degrade slowly, affecting the soil and water.

"It is necessary to act together so that the people realize the harmful effects of these artificial wreaths and replace them with ecological alternatives," said the minister.

Asked by the PN to comment, priest Maxim Melinti, cultural advisor at the Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia, explained that education must start from priests because, through their example, the faithful will follow the correct path.

Representatives of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and the Metropolitan Church of Bessarabia expressed their support for the initiative not to allow placing plastic flowers on graves and announced that they will issue circulars through which priests will be urged to communicate with parishioners.

"The mission of the priest is to teach the faithful, to take care of the soul, of the memory of those who fell asleep, but also of what surrounds us. Over the years, we have tried to discourage the use of plastic at funerals. In Ghidighici, we managed to eliminate this problem," said priest Maxim Melinti.

For their part, the mayors pointed out to logistical and financial difficulties related to the disposal of plastic waste. Instead, the commune of Băcioi was presented as an example, where the local council banned the use of plastic wreaths and promotes the use of biodegradable flowers and objects. The persons who request the certificate confirming the burial place are informed about this prohibition.

The Ministry of Environment emphasizes the need for ecological education, including in schools, and encourages the involvement of economic agents in promoting eco-friendly alternatives. The authorities say they will continue to work with all parties involved to reduce pollution from artificial funeral wreaths.

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