PL warns about violations of consumer rights

“The agrifood market in Moldova does not guarantee the population’s safety, but even contains elements aimed against the citizens,” Mariana Ambros, candidate on the electoral list of the Liberal Party (PL) said at a news conference on July 9, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a communiqué issued after the conference, the PL says that the agricultural production volume does not satisfy the people’s necessities though the crop fields are 2 - 3 times larger than needed to ensure the country’s food security. The weak absorption power of the market stemming from the low incomes of the population leads to a larger number of persons suffering from anemia, especially among children and women. Another negative trend in economy is the insufficient development of the quality infrastructure, the Liberals say. The national metrology and standardization bodies, as essential components of the economic infrastructure for guaranteeing the quality of goods, do not ensure security in consumption and do not protect the economic and social interests of the consumers, the communiqué says. The PL calls on the authorities to guarantee an appropriate quality of the goods and services by creating specialized institutions with own quality analysis and assessment basis. According to the PL, an efficient system should be worked out to inform the consumers so as to ensure transparency on the market and protect it against an aggressive marketing policy promoted by certain economic entities.

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