The Liberal Party (PL) is ready to concede the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure in exchange for the Ministry of Economy or the Ministry of Finance, the party’s leader Mihai Ghimpu told a news conference before the January 23 Parliament sitting. He noted that the PL is ready to yield the Ministry of Transport up so as to avoid the formation of an anti-European and anti-Romanian government by the PLDM, PCRM and PDM, IPN reports.
According to the Liberals, the PLDM is to field the candidate for premiership and to manage six ministries of the seven controlled at present. The PDM is to put forward the candidate for the post of Head of Parliament and to control one ministry of those managed now by the PLDM. The PL is to manage only the ministries controlled by it before it was removed from power in May 2013.
Mihai Ghimpu also said that the problem resides not in the ministries and the prosecutor general. “They like to use Soviet totalitarian mechanisms. The prosecution service was a cudgel for protecting oneself. Aren’t they afraid of illegal transactions and money laundering?” he asked.
He also said that the PL is waiting to be invited to discussions. No negotiations were held between the PLDM, PDM and PL yesterday and today. “We are waiting,” noted Mihai Ghimpu.
The Parliament sitting starts at 3pm.