PL proposes to drop Bachelor’s degree examination
The Liberal Party proposes, in a legislative initiative, to drop the Bachelor’s degree exams. The author of the project, Ana Gutu, told Info-Prim Neo that currently Bachelor’s degree candidates undergo double evaluation. The MP also proposes to drop the mandatory senior thesis, which should be replaced with a project based on professional practice.
“Exams and senior theses, in Moldova, represent a massive correctional field. The evaluation of students during Bachelor’s degree exams is, in fact, an over-evaluation, since, according to academic plans, the student already took exams in the respective disciplines, was evaluated and acquired credits”, said Ana Gutu.
According to the MP, there are no Bachelor’s exams and theses in Europe, only theses for Master’s and Doctor’s degree. “Consequently, we would save class time, money, time overall, and students would take a regular exam session without stress, and the GPA would be calculated based on the grades acquired throughout 3 or 4 years, depending on the number of years required for a degree, which differ throughout faculties”, added the MP.
In Ana Gutu's opinion, it is also necessary to remodel the importance of the senior theses, since 90% of them are either bought, copied, without adding any value to the graduating student’s education. “Plagiarism is too weak a word for the massive phenomenon that takes place in Moldova. There is a series of websites that sell and buy theses. The student doesn’t even read the thesis, he/she just “copy-pastes”. Some of the theses are nothing more than reports, essays”, the MP said.
Ana Gutu proposes to substitute the thesis with a project based on professional internship, as is the case in European countries. “The student undergoes an internship within an enterprise, and makes a power-point presentation based on this internship, presents the file in front of a commission, stating what he/she learned and how he/she applied theoretical knowledge. It is simpler and more relevant”, said Ana Gutu.
According to the MPs, it would be good to vote this Law in order to implement it as early as the current academic year.