Picnickers leave “Valea Morilor” Park full of garbage

During the weekend, the garbage bins in the recreational areas of Chisinau are filled to capacity by persons having picnics or just walking there. In “Valea Morilor” Park, the bins on the beach are overfull every Sunday evening, while on the other side of the lake there are no bins.

Contacted by IPN, deputy head of the Green Areas Managing Association Galina Leahu said more garbage bins will be placed when the paving works in the recreational area in “Valea Morilor” Park, which will start next year, are completed. Until then the visitors are asked to throw litter in the large containers situated near the Green Theater and the lake. Additional bins and new benches will be set up within the second stage for modernizing the recreational area.

Constructions Division head Roman Sofroni said the paving works in “Valea Morilor” include the reconstruction of the alleys and stairs in the park and of the access road and the rotary. The park will be equipped with wheelchair access and garbage bins according to a new scheme.

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