Phones of Mihai Ghimpu and Dorin Chirtoaca tapped as well
The Prosecutor General's Office opened one more legal case over misuse of power and violation of the right to secret phone conversations by persons holding important posts at the Security and Information Service. This time the victims were the president and vice president of the Liberal Party - Mihai Ghimpu and Dorin Chirtoaca, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communique from the PGO.
According to the prosecutors, the specialized subdivision of the Security and Information Service illegally wiretapped the telephone conversations of Mihai Ghimpu and Dorin Chirtoaca in January-September 2009.
Steps are being taken to thoroughly and objectively examine the circumstances of the case and to identify and hold accountable the persons to blame, it is said in the communique issued by the PGO.
Five cases of the kind have been sent to court so far. They involve 17 persons whose rights were violated, including Alexandru Tanase, Mihai Godea, Vitalie Nagacevschi, Viorica Nagacevschi, Veaceslav Untila, and Serafim Urecheanu.