PGO replies to accusations by PM Filat
The Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) expressed in a press release its puzzlement over the allegations made by Prime Minister Vlad Filat that the GPO was delaying the investigation into the recent cases of what appear to be corporate raider attacks on two Moldovan banks.
“The Prosecutor General's Office is puzzled, to say the least, by the accusations made by the Prime Minister, given that it was on the Prosecutor General Valeriu Zubco's initiative that on August 1 the Anti-corruption Prosecution Service started proceedings into these cases. It should be remarked that all the prosecution efforts on these cases have been carried out in the absence of effective support from the Government's relevant agencies”, reads the press release.
The GPO recalls that the proceedings were started after Moldova-Agroindbank reported a hostile acquisition of shares representing 28% of the bank's total stock by an off-shore company named Merchant Outpost. On August 2, prosecutors arrested a part of the stocks kept by an independent registrar. However, the largest part was transferred by a second registrar, Fincom SA, to another offshore company called Global Systems Corp. The GPO notes that the investigative judge that rejected the prosecutors' request for the stocks' seizure also rejected a request for a search at Fincom SA.
In another recent case, Gherman Gorbuntsov, the president of the Universalbank's Board, reported that he had been dispossessed of shares representing over 81% of the bank's total stock through a deceitful scheme involving offshore companies.