PGO against exclusion of prosecutors from civil process

The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) does not agree with the exclusion of the prosecutors from the civil process, as the Ministry of Justice proposed in a bill with amendments to the Civil Procedure Code, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on March 6, prosecutor Marcel Dimitras, the head of the PGO’s Civil-Legal Division, said that it is premature to speak about the exclusion of the prosecutors from the civil process. According to him, there are local public authorities that do not have possibilities and staff to protect the socially underprivileged people. Thus, the participation of the prosecutor in the civil process is justified. The head of the Legal Division, prosecutor Mircea Rosioru said that the PGO is not an opponent of the reforms, but some of its views differ from those of the Ministry of Justice. “Extending the area of activity is not a departmental interest of the PGO. We want the prosecutor to focus on the provisions of the Constitution, which says that the prosecutor represents the general interests of society. These interests cover the minors, elderly people and the socially deprived persons,” he stated. The bill was submitted to the Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities for examination.
  • marcel dumitras despre retragerea procurorilor din procesele civile.mp3
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