People’s ombudsman reacts to alleged case of violence at Psychiatric Hospital

The mother of a woman admitted to the Clinical Psychiatric Hospital said that her daughter was physically abused by employees of the medical institution and published a number of photos of bruises on the women’s bodies to prove her assertions on a social networking site. The people’s ombudsman decided to take this case under control, IPN reports.

After visiting the patient at the hospital, the ombudsman’s team confirmed that this had bruises on the face and legs. According to the medical card, the bodily injuries weren’t indicated when the woman was examined in the admission section. However, the accidents and traumas register and the notes of nurses say that the patient is violent and has an inappropriate behavior and causes injuries to herself by hitting herself against furniture in the room. Employees of the medical institution said they didn’t confine the patient to bed and didn’t intensify her treatment so as not to worsen her state of health.

The conclusions of the fact-finding visit will be included in a report. If recommendations are formulated, the people’s ombudsman will issue a mandatory note for the given institution to improve the behavior towards persons in its custody.

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