People should go to cemetery with red painted eggs, Eater cake, incense and prayer for the dead, priest

Low Sunday means the Easter of the happy ones or the ones that fell asleep. It is the same Easter as a week ago. On Easter, they celebrate with lamb meat on the table, while on Low Sunday they go to the cemetery and pray for the dead ones. Contacted by IPN, priest of the Chisinau Church “Saint Hierarch Nicolae” Petru Storoja said the people should go to the cemetery with candles made of clean wax, red painted eggs, Easter cake, incense, holy water and prayer for the dead.

In the morning of Low Sunday, the Christians should pray in church for those who fell asleep and then can go to the cemetery. If they want, they can ask the priest to come to the graves of their relatives to say a prayer. It is the same prayer as the one said in the church in the morning. Afterward, a red painted egg and Easter cake are given as alms.

The priest said the tradition of going to the cemetery on Low Sunday is nowadays profaned. The cemetery is the “sleeping room” of the dead where we do not eat and where it is clean. But some go there with plenty of food. Petru Storoja called on the faithful to remember the dead with prayer and offerings. The alms should be given to the poor and gifts should not be exchanged between relatives and friends. The dead are remembered throughout the year, not only on Low Sunday, and the graves at the cemetery should be visited more often.

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