The leaders of the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth” announced that they will picket the head office of the channel Publika TV for the second consecutive day. In an ordinary news conference held in the central square of Chisinau, protesters demanded that the members of the Broadcasting Coordination Council should be dismissed, IPN reports.
“By this protest, we will show that we are civil society, the people of this country. We are against the TV channels dividing society and trying to impose the opinions of a narrow group of people who want to hold the country hostage,” said Inga Grigoriu, a member of the Platform “Dignity and Truth”.
The protesters intend to also picket the Parliament Building the next few days so as to demand that the MPs should come together for a sitting. “We woke up President Timofti and urged him to go to work. We will also invite the MPs to work,” said one of the Platform’s leaders Andrei Nastase.
Protesters’ leaders said they want the members of the Broadcasting Coordination Council to be discharged because this institution continues to encourage the media terrorism generated by the trust General Media Grup.