People lost confidence in political parties, IPP director

The people lost confidence in the political parties, especially the ruling ones, and thus there are many undecided people, Arcadie Barbarosie, executive director of the Institute for Public Policy (IPP), said in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.

Barbarosie noted that the number of undecided people is rather high and it is hard to project the election outcome. “It’s true that good things have been done lately. The roads were repaired, progress was made in the European integration process, and many projects were implemented with financing from the United States, the European Union or Romania. But these things didn’t make the people richer. The largest part of the population continues to face poverty,” he stated.

According to the IPP director, even if there are many parties in Moldova, they do not meet the people’s needs. “Personally, I would vote for a pro-European Social-Democratic party, but there is no such a party in Moldova,” he said.

Arcadie Barbarosie believes that those who are running as independent candidates have no chance. “It’s hard for a person to garner about 40,000 votes. Polls give chances to Oazu Nantoi, but he is not running in the elections. I would give chances to Oleg Brega, but he is known more in Chisinau, where he will be unable to get the necessary number of votes. Activist Anatol Matasaru would be more successful if he ran as he is known all over Moldova,” he stated.

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