Pension system is close to failure, opinion

The pension system in Moldova is close to failure because the number of employees is insufficient for maintaining the retried population, analyst Victor Ciobanu stated in the talk show “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel, IPN reports.

“To function well, the pension system should include three employed persons who form the income for a pensioner. This ratio now is of 1:1. We have a solidary pension system. Currently, the money paid by contribution is enough only for one third of the pensioners,” stated the analyst. According to him, no significant rise in pensions is anticipated in the near future and the elderly people should not wait for something good from this system.

Socialist MP Vladimir Golovatiuc said the pension should not be lower than 1,600 lei, which is the minimum subsistence level. “The state should ensure the minimum subsistence level for each citizen who reached retirement,” he stated.

As to the salaries, Vladimir Golovatiuc said the number of persons who get a pay lower than the average official salary is on the rise, while the number of people who have a salary of over 10,000 lei has doubled during the past three years. This way the population is stratified.

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