Peace March in Cosnita. Recean: we will not allow anyone to destroy our peace

In Cosnita, a village where battles took place in 1992, the Peace March was held to honor the memory of those who lost their lives defending the independence of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean attended the commemoration, emphasizing the importance of maintaining peace and national sovereignty: “We, Moldovans, have never wanted war, and we will not allow anyone to destroy the peace and tranquility of the Republic of Moldova”.

The Prime Minister also reiterated that “Russia, which brought war to the Nistru River back then and sought to incite division among people on both banks, continues its attempts to destabilize the state”.

The Peace March marks 33 years since the escalation of the conflict. On the night of March 13-14, 1992, Cosnita was the scene of the first armed attacks. The armed confrontations on the Nistru lasted until July 1992, resulting in hundreds of casualties. Since then, the Republic of Moldova has continuously demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops stationed in the Transnistrian region.

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