PDM will do a parallel vote count

The Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM) intends to do a parallel vote count. The party’s leader Marian Lupu called on the election runners to be correct and objectives when counting the votes, IPN reports.

“Today has come to a logical ending. I come with a message on the part of the PDM and thank the people who took part in the elections and made their choice. The election results will show what path was chosen. I hope the Moldovans voted consciously. I thank especially the people who supported the PDM. I thank you for your trust. I’m sure that the results will fit the efforts made by our team, which was the most active in this campaign. The PDM cares a lot about this vote of confidence,” Marian Lupu said in a news conference given after the polling places in Moldova were closed.

The Democratic leader added that he will follow the vote count together with his colleagues. “Meanwhile, we will do a parallel vote count. We will make effort to regularly present the information furnished by our observers,” stated Marian Lupu.

He also called for correctness and special attention to the vote count process so as to make sure that none of Moldovans’ voting options is stolen.

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