PDM: Party with largest number of seats of MP must field candidate for Premier

The party that has the largest number of seats of MP must propose a candidate for premiership. The Democratic Party reiterated its position in the consultations between the PDM, PLDM, PL and the Leanca group with President Nicolae Timofti.

“In today’s discussions, three of the parties taking part in the negotiations said they are for keeping this formula because it simplifies many things and can contribute to the facilitation of the dialogue and acceleration of the negotiation process,” said the Democrats’ leader Marian Lupu, quoted by IPN.

According to him, a consensus on this proposal could not be reached. That’s why the head of state suggested taking a break of one-two days so as to ponder over the current results. By the end of this week, the leaders of the four parliamentary groups are to hold one more round of consultations with the head of state.

The leader of the PDM said that if the method proposed by the Democrats for choosing the Premier is not accepted, another algorithm is to be identified.

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