PDM: List of election candidates will be compiled by vote of party members

The list of candidates for the November 30 parliamentary elections of the Democratic Party (PDM) will be compiled based on a direct vote by the PDM members, the party’s first deputy chairman Vlad Plahotniuc announced in a meeting of the Permanent Municipal Bureau of the Chisinau branch, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué of the party, the PDM will hold internal elections so as to choose the election candidates. This election method is a novelty for Moldova, but it is successfully used in the U.S. and other states with advanced democracies.

Thus, the PDM members from each district will take part in the selection of the most suitable candidates. They will vote for them and will also indicate the place that the candidates should take on the party’s list. The intention is to make sure that the list includes only the Democrats who are approved of by the other members of the party.

In his speech before the administration of the PDM Chisinau Organization, Vlad Plahotniuc urged the members of the party to become actively involved in the internal election campaign. “Each of you has chances to get a place on the list, if you convince your colleagues to vote for you. Those candidates who are respected by the members and sympathizers of the party have the greatest chances to be voted and to obtain a good place on the PDM’s list,” he stated.

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