PCRM's popular approval rating decreases, POB

The future Parliament of Moldova will comprise four political parties, according to a new Public Opinion Barometer that was made known on May 26. If elections were held next Sunday, 29.5% of the Moldovans would vote for the Communists Party (PCRM), 19.2% for the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), 9.1% for the Democratic Party (PDM), while 8.2% for the Liberal Party (PL). The fourth constituent part of the government coalition, the Moldova Noastra Alliance Party, would poll only 2.4% of the vote and would not enter the Parliament, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the survey, about 4% of the respondents, who voted for the PCRM in the previous elections, said they will not vote for this party in the next elections. The popular approval rating of the other three parties increased insignificantly. The leader of the PDM Marian Lupu enjoys the greatest trust among the political figures. He is trusted by 43% of the respondents. Compared with the previous barometer presented in December 2009, Lupu's supporters decreased in number by 8%. Marian Lupu is followed by Prime Minister Vlad Filat, the chairman of the PLDM, with a slightly lower percentage, and the former President of Moldova, the leader of the PCRM Vladimir Voronin with 36%. Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca, the vice chairman of the PL, comes next with 30%. 25% of the respondents trust Speaker Mihai Ghimpu, the leader of the PL. The population's confidence in the state institutions decreased compared with the previous survey. The confidence in the Government diminished from 44% to 27%, in the Parliament – from 41% to 26%, in the presidential institution – from 35% to 24%. The Church is trusted by 80% of the responders, the mass media by 60%, while the trade unions by 19% and the political parties by 17%. The survey was carried out between April 24 and May 14 and covered a sample of 1,115 persons from 75 settlements. The margin of error is plus-minus 3%.

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