PCRM’s behavior is normal for an Opposition party, IPP director

The behavior of the PCRM is in full conformity with the logic of an Opposition party, said the director of the Public Policy Institute (IPP) Arcadie Barbarosie, when asked by Info-Prim Neo to comment on the Communists’ initiatives aimed at resolving the crisis. The expert said the withdrawal by the Communists of the constitutional amendment proposal disarm the ruling alliance, which will have to negotiation with the PCRM to choose a common candidate or will have to call early elections. As to the PCRM’s demand that the Cabinet members responsible for the socioeconomic sphere and the governor of the central bank should resign immediately because they do not cope with the current challenges, the analyst said the Communists should first provide arguments in favor of their accusations. “Given the crisis and the budget deficient left by the Communists, they should present socioeconomic indices. Conclusions should be formulated only after these indices are analyzed,” said the IPP director. The PCRM’s Central Committee Wednesday issued a communiqué, saying the national consolidation objectives should be achieved jointly by the government and the Opposition by selecting an apolitical representative of civil society for the post of head of state, while the President should be elected by the vote of all the MPs. Earlier, the PCRM filed an application to the Constitutional Court, demanding that it decide when the presidential elections should take place. The Court is to pronounce on February 8.

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