PCRM supports protests against Antidiscrimination Law

The Communist Party (PCRM) will back all the protests against the Antidiscrimination Law, the party says in a statement. According to the PCRM, this law is amoral and incompatible with the values of the Moldovan people, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The PCRM condemns the Government’s intention to adopt the Antidiscrimination Law and demands that the ruling alliance abandon this bill that is not in line with the historical, moral and religious traditions of the Moldovan people and that can generate an escalation of tensions and deepening of social division,” reads the statement The Communist Party also says that the Government, especially Prime Minister Vlad Filat promotes this law only in order to obtain financial reassures from abroad, which are mainly stolen by corrupt groups of functionaries and only a small part will be used to fill the budget gaps. Adopting the Antidiscrimination Law is a condition imposed by the EU for liberalizing the visa regime. The Government earlier said the bill will be soon submitted to Parliament.

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