PCRM criticizes opening of NATO Liaison Office in Moldova

The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) harshly criticizes the decision to inaugurate a Liaison Office in Chisinau based on an agreement signed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Alliance’s headquarters in Brussels, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Communists note society must not be believe deceiving statements saying that the office will be small and only civilians will work for it. As a neutral country, the Republic of Moldova cannot have a military dialogue with the North Atlantic Alliance.

According to the Communists, a NATO Information Center has worked in Moldova during many years and the country is a party to the Partnership for Peace program. For a neutral county, this is more than enough. The opening of a NATO Liaison Office means development of the relations, but this runs counter to the country’s Constitution.

The PCRM asks itself who empowered Pavel Filip to sign such an agreement at a time when the Government obeys Parliament, while the legislative body hasn’t examined such an initiative. The Communist parliamentary group asks for hearings on the issue, with the involvement of the Premier and Minister of Defense Anatol Salaru.

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