PCRM calls on residents of Chisinau to vote for dismissal of Dorin Chirtoaca

The Party of Communists (PCRM) calls upon the citizens of the capital city and the suburban communities to vote for the removal of Dorin Chirtoaca from the mayoralty because this is incompetent and to thus save Chisinau. In a press release, the party says that after ten years of defective management, Chisinau turned into one of the most disorderly capital cities in Europe and the whole post-Soviet area, IPN reports.

“From the very first days in office, Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca has dealt with demagogy, politicianism and professional unionism and ignored his direct obligations. The City Hall definitively turned into one of the most corrupt institutions of the country,” said the PCRM.

The Communists note that the city lost any perception of elementary order and any connection with the General Urban Development Plan.

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