The first payment system by means of internet appeared in Moldova. The e-money system is implemented by “Emoney-Prim” and “Mobiasbanca” Commercial Bank.
Director executive of the company, Ruslan Popa declared on Tuesday, October 17 at a press conference that the system can be used both by legal and individual persons. The system of electronic payment allows companies to receive on-line payments for provided goods and services and to the individual persons – to pay at companies’ web pages. This service allows people to save their time. According to the cited source, this system is a logical stage of trade’s development and Emoney is the missing chain in the electronic commerce of Moldova.
The Chairman of the Administration Council of “Mobiasbanca”, Nicolae Dorin declared that the bank pleaded for a long time for the launching of such a system and looks with optimism to its perspectives. According to the cited source, promotional programs will be launched because the product is new for the Republic of Moldova and the population does not fully understand what are the benefits of the “electronic wallet”, thus the majority of them prefer to use cash. The implementation of this electronic product will also contribute to legalizing businesses in Moldova, so the state must stimulate it, Dorin added.
Statistics show that about 700 thousand persons are using the internet in Moldova, and “Emoney-Prim” considers that in the first year of activity it will attract about 40 thousand customers. By now, contracts with about 70 companies from Moldova were signed.