Prime Minister Pavel Filip said that when he became Prime Minister, he set two essential short-term goals – to stabilize the country and to restore the confidence of the people and external partners in the government. In an interview for Moldpres, he stated that the Government has will and moves things on and can do a lot, but not alone. “It’s time accelerate so that we have not only stability, but also confidence in development. Moldova rapidly needs economic recovery,” said the Premier, quoted by IPN.
Pavel Filip considers the business community is increasingly demanding and sees what is happening in Moldova. “The national or foreign entrepreneurs daily gain confidence in the Government as a serious discussion partner that wants to help, not to place obstacles. As a former businessman, I understand the businesses. The structural problems that affect investments and workplaces such as bureaucracy, corruption, limited access to financing, the quality of human capital and infrastructure, must be brought to an end,” he stated.
According to the Premier, the institutional reform of the inspection bodies takes place smoothly. Of the 69 inspection bodies, only ten will remain and there will be four independent regulators. A number of 114 of the total 416 authorizing documents are to be eliminated. “There is nothing more important than stability and predictability for the business community. The guaranteeing of these principles that bring jobs must go through a political cycle,” he stated.
Pavel Filip noted that what the government does is for the benefit of the people. “We took several important steps during the last few months. We raised the funds for compensated drugs by 50% and extended the list of such drugs. The salaries of health professionals will be by 20% higher from July 1. The price of power for the people was reduced by 10%. The gas tariffs were decreased by 10.9%. The situation of the vulnerable people was also in the Government’s focus. On April 1 we raised the pensions and other social benefits by about 10%. Furthermore, we increased the minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector from 1,900 to 2,100 lei,” he stated.
Pavel Filip assured that the government will not stop here. It works out clear programs for employees and concerning access to decent dwellings for young people and newly formed families. The people must feel that their life improves, the administration works more efficiently, while the political class no longer defies the people, while the development partners regain confidence and continue to offer support for modernizing the country.