Pavel Filip: Government we will propose will be a balanced one

“I have been part of a number of Governments during five years. I don’t know for sure how a Prime Minister should be, but I know how this shouldn’t be. I definitely learned this in this period,” nominee for premiership Pavel Filip said in a meeting with representatives of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova, IPN reports.

Pavel Filip noted that the Government he will propose will be a balanced one. “While working in the Government, I didn’t make political statements. I focused on the area of responsibility – the information and communication technology – and tried, together with my colleagues from the Ministry, to do my job. That’s why, if I get the support of Parliament, I will put emphasis on concrete actions and accomplishments that will contribute to improved living conditions,” he said.

According to him, measures are required to ensure the protection of the people. “Things worsened a lot in the recent past. We are thinking about a personality that will be named minister of the interior so that this managed the Ministry in an efficient way and the people regain confidence in it, those who break the law are punished, while the roads are clean,” stated the candidate.

Pavel Filip also said that the resumption of negotiations with the IMF is another priority. The credibility of the political class before the foreign partners should be restored. The depoliticization of the rule of law institutions is another priority. The government program remained practically the same as the program of the previous Cabinet, but will contain improvements that will be formulated by four working groups centering on economic, social, legal and political issues. Pavel Filip called on the representatives of trade unions to submit proposals in this respect.

The representatives of the National Confederation of Trade Unions asked that meetings with the Prime Minister should be held more often so that they could defend employees’ interests. Another request was that on the tripartite (government, employers, trade unions) commission, the executive should be represented by ministers, not by persons from the given ministries. The Confederation’s head Oleg Budza asked the candidate to support the creation of trade unions at companies and organizations so as to deal with the alleged impediments created by managers.

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