Pavel Filip: “Anti-propaganda” law is not anti-Russia, but pro-Moldova

Prime Minister Pavel Filip expressed his regret at the Russian State Duma’s statement adopted in response to the changes made to the Broadcasting Code of the Republic of Moldova, saying such statements do no good to the bilateral relations. In a news conference held to mark two years of work by the Government, when he was asked about Moscow’s reaction, Pavel Filip said the “anti-propaganda” law is not an anti-Russia, but a pro-Moldova law, IPN reports.

According to the Premier, Moldova is obliged to secure its information area. “It is no secret that Russia intervenes, including by its information channels, in support of pro-Russian parties, not speaking about other aspects on which other state institutions should pronounce,” stated Pavel Filip.

He also said that Moldova chose to come closer to the EU, but some of the Russia TV channels broadcast news, feature and political programs that denigrate this path.

On January 24, the State Duma of Russia adopted a statement by which it describes the amendments made to the Broadcasting Code of the Republic of Moldova as a new anti-Russia attack, noting that this way the international law norms on the free access to information, the human rights and the rights of the majority of Moldovans were violated. The Russian MPs called on the UN, the Council of Europe and the OSCE to take attitude and recommended the Government of Russia to take measures to ensure the Moldovan population’s access to the news bulletins of Russian TV channels.

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