The Switzerland-based, Moldovan violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja, together with the talented children from Moldova, will perform in a concert in Chisinau, held on June 27, in order to promote the ideal of children protection among adults. The purpose of the show is to collect funds for the children in need and is organized as part of the “Music for Children” Campaign.
The campaign will take place in the period between June 24 and 28, within the frameworks of the 53rd Menuhin International Music Festival in Gstaad, Switzerland, organized by Terre des Hommes Lozana, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Patricia Kopatchinskaja is a promoter of the local council, a community model of child protection, implemented in 27 village3s of Moldova. The intention of the violinist is to raise the society’s awareness towards the development and investment in child protection at the community level.
“Our partnership with Patricia Kopatchinskaja brings a clear message concerning our deeds, without forgetting though about the risks which the abandoned children have to face”, the representative of the Terre des Hommes in Moldova, Alfonso Gonzalez-Jaggli, told a press-conference of Thursday.
According to Gonzalez, there are children in Moldova who require urgent assistance in order to avoid their early emigration. This emigration raises the risk that the child will be exploited in a foreign country.
“Moldova has the capacity to solve the problem of these children. Each community brings together a group of warm-hearted people who can offer their care and psycho-social support to these children. If they are identified in time and worked with at the psycho-social level, their personal and school performance will grow. Each village should have a local council, which would find the abandoned children and those in need”, Mariana Ianachevici, representative of Salvati Copiii (“Save the Children”) pointed out.
This council brings together 4 persons which analyze the state of each child from the community. If needed, the children will be provided with the necessary help. As a consequence of these interventions, the children’s school performance is growing while the children’s relations with their parents and their communication capacities improve. The cost of the system’s implementation in the community amounts to about 100,000 lei per year, Mariana Ianachevici added.
According to the statistics, there about 150,000 children left without parent care in Moldova, this fact being caused by the massive migration of parents in search of a job abroad .