Moldovan patent vendors announce they will organize “an ample march” on July 7 on Stefan cel Mare blvd. in the capital city and then will picket the Presidency. Eugen Roscovan, the president of the Small Business Association (SBA) told a news conference on Wednesday the action is to express their disagreement with the Law on entrepreneurship patent, Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to him, in Moldova, in order to get any right, you need to goto the street to protest. Eugen Roscovan says the patent merchants have protested for one and a half years to obtain the cancellation of the ban to work on the basis of the patent. Yet, the adjustments operated in the law do not refer to all the categories of vendors.
“We want to have equal rights with other patent holders to be able to sell meat on patent basis,” says Liliana Ilev, a vendor in Chisinau's Central Market. She complains the work of meat sellers is hard and may get even harder since they are obliged to open own businesses. “We scour villages to buy meat. Sometimes we return with nothing after many days. 1 kg of live meat is 35 lei and not 18 as vice minister Igor Dodon says,” Liliana Ilev stated.
A press release issued by the Government reads that managers of large pork producers from are dissatisfied the retailers prefer to collect animals from peasants, although the large companies produce pork according to international standards.
The meat vendors reject the complaint saying they collect meat from companies, too,but the latter do not produce enough quantities. Eugen Roscovan says the market law allows everybody to buy from whoever he wants. “Unfortunately the meat shortage is rather encouraging imports than the local producers.”
Earlier, the Economy and Trade Ministry announced the meat prices will keep stable till next September, and some meat products will get even cheaper with 4-5 lei per kg.
The changes to the Law on entrepreneurship patents were approved of by the Government on April 16, allowing this type of trade till 2017. However it contains restriction as the one banning to sell meat on patent basis. Now the monthly patent charge is 190 lei in cities, 90 lei in district towns and 50 lei in villages.