Passenger Transport Services between Moldova and Romania authorized for five years

Regular passenger transport services between the Republic of Moldova and Romania will be authorized for a period of five years. These authorizations will be automatically extended for 60 days without the issuance of new documents. A protocol aimed at permanently liberalizing passenger transport was signed during the meeting of the Moldovan-Romanian Joint Commission for International Road Transport of Goods and Passengers, IPN reports.

Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Bolea, Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation in the transport sector to facilitate citizens' mobility and develop strategic road connections.

Discussions focused on the liberalization of transport activities, as well as infrastructure projects intended to improve road links between Moldova and Romania. The measure will be applied on an experimental basis until March 31, 2025, according to the 2024 Commission decision. Under the new Protocol, services will be authorized for five years under the same conditions as those operated on a parity basis.

Additionally, the parties agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between Moldova and Romania regarding the development of the TEN-T network in both countries and the access roads to road bridges over the Prut River.

The two sides reviewed the progress of the feasibility study for the construction of the Ungheni road bridge and finalized details regarding the launch of the works. They also agreed to begin negotiations for the agreements necessary for the construction and modernization of four new road bridges over the Prut River.

Another key topic was the implementation of coordinated border control at the Fălciu border crossing to facilitate freight rail transport, in line with the resumption of traffic on the Falciu-Cantemir bridge.

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